Site Documents

terms of sale of products in gold apple online store

General Terms

These Terms contain terms of Products offered for purchase by Customers through the Online Store.

The online store follows provisions of applicable UAE laws.

The Terms may be changed by the Seller without any specific announcement, and a new version of the Terms commences from the moment of its publication on the Website unless otherwise provided by a new version of the Terms and applies to relations between the Customer and the Seller, regarding the Online Store, that occurred before commencement of such new version of the Terms. A current version of the Terms is always available on the Website

Each of the Parties warrants to the other Party that it has all necessary authority and legal capacity as well as all rights and powers that are required and sufficient for conclusion and performance of a retail sale and purchase contract.

By making an Order on the Website or in the Mobile App, or through a Customer Care the Customer fully agrees to and confirms that he or she read and understood these Terms.

The Customer is hereby informed that technical errors may occur on the Website and Mobile App; in particular the Website and Mobile App may show that some Products are in stock though in reality they are not, or the price for the Products in the Online Store is incorrect, etc. In case of a technical error, the Seller will notify the Customer that the Order may not be fulfilled due to technical errors occurring and cancel (annul) the Order or suggest other options for the Customer to order.

Terms and Definitions:

Customer is a person who is eighteen (18) years of age or older of full legal capacity who has an intention to order or buy or who orders (buys) the Products in the Seller’s Online Store, or who is designated as a Receiver of such Products, and who uses those Products solely for personal, family, household or other needs not related to business activities.

Customer Care is the Seller's employees, to whom the Customer can contact by phone +97145569100 or in an online WhatsApp chat by phone +971527732032 in case the Customer has any questions about the Order, the Loyalty Program, etc.

Delivery Service is a third party who delivers the Orders to the Customers under a retail sale and purchase contract with the Seller. The Seller has the right to choose the delivery service without consultation with the Customer. The most updated information about the delivery service becomes available in the Online Store during the Order making procedure.

Gift-with-purchase promotions means the promotion when buying a certain Products in the Online Store, the Customer is given a gift.

Improper quality is when the Products do not meet the requirements for the category of such products in regulatory legal acts and regulatory documents or the terms of the purchase and sale agreement with the Customer.

Loyalty Program is the Seller’s program which allows Customers to access the benefits provided by the Seller, to earn and redeem the Points, which was accrued while shopping in the Online Store.

Mobile App is the Seller’s software designed for operation on smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices and displaying the Products offered by the Seller to its Customers to make the Orders.

Online Store is a combination of information resources administered by the Seller and/or engaged third parties subject to applicable laws of the UAE, including the Website with URL and Mobile App. It displays the Products offered by the Seller to the Customers for making Orders and contain terms of sale, payment and delivery of such Orders to the Customers, and the exchange and refund policy where permitted by the UAE laws.

Order is a request made by the Customer and confirmed by the Seller under these Terms for delivery of the Products chosen in the Online Store to the designated address. The Order may be made as a retail sale and purchase contract as well as to replace Products of Improper quality and Products of Proper quality under a previously made contract where provided by the UAE laws.

Order/Products Cancellation is the Seller’s technical action that does not imply the Seller’s refusal to perform a retail sale and purchase contract; such action is made in the Online Store and just states a fact that some of the Products (Products cancellation) or all the Products (Order cancellation) in the Order may not be delivered to the Customer under such Order.

Personal account means a registered account of the Customer on the Website or in the Mobile App that stores information about the Customer’s personal data as well as completed and current Orders.

Personal product means the Products such as underwear, pajamas, socks, tights etc.

Points means points that are awarded to the Customer’s Rewards Card when making purchases in the Online Store.

Products are physical items not withdrawn from civil circulation and offered for sale in the Online Store only for personal, family, household and other needs not related to business activities. The Products may be sold or purchased only if they are in stock, namely, if an “Add to Cart” button is active.

Proper quality of the Products with an actual expiration date, corresponding to the photo and description (size of clothing, if available) on the website, which has no disadvantages that prevent its use for its intended purpose.

Receiver is a natural person who actually accepts the Order. Unless stated otherwise, the Customer is considered the Receiver of the Products. The Receiver may be any other natural person designated by the Customer during the Order making procedure and acting as the Customer’s representative. Unless otherwise provided by these Terms, the Receiver will have all rights and liabilities as the Customer.

Rewards Card is a virtual card that is provided to the Customer upon enrollment in the Loyalty Program and confirms membership in it.

Seller is GOLD APPLE BOX COSMETIC TRADING L.L.C., commercial license No. 1085669, whose registered office address is at UNIT 02.03 THE OFFICES 5 ONE CENTRAL DWTC COMPLEX DUBAI UAE, which sells Products at retail online through Mobile App and Website.

Terms are the present regulations establish the relationship between the Seller and the Customer in relation to the sale/ purchase of the Products through the Online Store.

Website is a combination of webpages on the Internet at displaying the Products offered by the Seller to its Customers to make Orders.

Rights and Obligations of the Customer

  1. The Customer undertakes to state reliable registration details when registering in the Online Store.
  2. The Customer is liable for violation of these Terms as provided by the UAE laws.
  3. If the Customer brings damage to third parties, other Customers, or the Online Store, the Customer undertakes to compensate for such damage in full as prescribed by applicable laws of the UAE.
  4. The Customer undertakes not to disclose login and password entered during registration to any third parties. If the Customer has concerns about the login and password security or their possible use by third parties, the Customer must immediately notify the Seller by making a request in the “Feedback” section of the Personal account.

Rights and Obligations of the Seller

  1. The Seller undertakes to protect the information provided by the Customer during registration.
  2. The Seller undertakes not to disclose the Customer’s registration details to third parties unless otherwise provided by applicable laws of the UAE and the Terms.
  3. The Seller is not liable if the Customer independently discloses his or her registration details to other Customers.
  4. If the Customer violates the Terms or applicable laws of the UAE, the Seller reserves the right to transfer the registration details, IP address, or any other information to interested parties.
  5. The Seller may use information about the Customer’s actions for the purposes of improvement of the Online Store performance.
  6. The Seller reserves the right to close, suspend, change the mode of operation of the Online Store or a part thereof by introducing relevant amendments to the Terms without prior notice to the Customer. Such amendments commence on the date when a new version of the Terms is published on the Website.

Other Terms

The UAE laws apply to the relationship between the Customer and the Seller.

If any questions and complaints occur, the Customer may apply to the Customer Care by calling at 97145569100 or in WhatsApp online chat +971527732032.

terms & conditions of loyalty program


The Loyalty Program is available in Qatar and the UAE.

Registration in the Mobile App or on the Website automatically makes the Customer a member of the Loyalty Program what is confirmed by the issued Rewards Card. No purchase is necessary to enroll in the Loyalty Program.

The membership in the Loyalty Program is reserved for personal use only and is limited to one membership account per person (identified by last name, first name, mobile number and email address).

There are three levels in the Loyalty Program – lime, silver, gold. Conditions for obtaining each of the levels are mentioned below.


To obtain a lime level Rewards Card:

  • register in the Mobile App or on the Website with a valid phone number of the following countries: Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus;
  • fill in all the fields in the Personal account;
  • save information.

After registration in the Mobile App or on the Website, lime level Rewards Card will be displayed in the Personal account.


The Rewards Card will be automatically upgraded to silver level once total amount of all purchases in the Mobile App and on the Website within preceding 12 months period will be more than 2 000 QAR or 2 000 AED.


The Rewards Card will be automatically upgraded to gold level once total amount of all purchases in the Mobile App and on the Website within preceding 12 months period will be more than 5 000 QAR or 5 000 AED.


Once a new level has been reached it and its associated benefits are valid for a period of 12 months.

To remain at the reached level, the total amount of all purchases in the Mobile App and on the Website within the preceding 12 months period should match the needed amount for the level. Once the 12 months period has ended, the level will be recalculated using the rules stated above. The Customer can retain the level if the conditions set out above are met.


2.1 The Points will be credited to the Rewards Card while shopping through the Mobile App or on the Website only by ordering as a member.

2.2 For purchases through the Mobile App or on the Website, the Points are awarded to the Rewards Card after the Order is delivered to the Customer.

2.3 The Customer with lime level is earning 5% from every purchase, with silver level - 7% from every purchase, with gold level - 10% from every purchase.

2.4 1 (One) Point is equal to 1 (One) Qatari Rial (QAR) or 1 (One) Emirati Dirham (AED).

2.5 The amount of accrued Points may be a fractional number.

2.6 Accrued Points are valid only within the country where the purchase was completed.

2.7 The Points are granted only for the amount of the Product's value that was paid with money (in cash, by cashless payment or gift card). No Points will be given for the part of Products’ value that was paid with Points.

2.8 The amount of accrued and available Points can be checked on the Personal account on the Website and through the Mobile App.


3.1 The Points can be redeemed partially over multiple transactions until they expire or can be used to pay up to 100% of the Order amount.

3.2 The Points can be redeemed when paying for purchases in the Mobile App and on the Website.

3.3 1 (One) Point is equal to 1 (One) Qatari Rial (QAR) or 1 (One) Emirati Dirham (AED).

3.4 Accrued Points expire before the end of next year. For example, accrued Points in 2024 will expire on December 31, 2025.

3.5 No Points may be redeemed from the Rewards Card if a related phone number was not confirmed.

3.6 The Points cannot be redeemed for purchasing a gift card.


4.1 As part of the promotion, the Customer may be awarded the Points — for a purchase of the Products in the Mobile App, on the Website, in the offline stores “Gold Apple” or as a gift. These Points can be redeemed for up to 50% of the Order amount. The conditions and terms for earning and redeeming the Points are governed by the specific promotion's terms and conditions, which will be available on the dates of the promotion in the Mobile App or on the Website.


4.1 In the event of returning the Product purchased using the Points, the Points will be returned to the Rewards Card.

4.2 In the event of returning the Product, the earned Points will be subtracted from the Rewards Card.

The Customer is solely liable for integrity of his or her Rewards Card details and the Points spending, including by third parties, and the Customer undertakes not to disclose the number and/or QR code of his or her Rewards Card to any third parties. The Seller is not liable for the Points spending by the Customer or any third parties.

For any questions related to the Loyalty Program please contact Customer Care by calling at +97145569100 or in WhatsApp online chat +971527732032.

prices and discounts

Please note that special offers and promotion events are limited by time and quantity of relevant Products in stock. You may check stock availability and prices by contacting Customer Care at +97145569100 or in WhatsApp online chat +971527732032.

A promotion event and special offer may be finished before an announced calendar date of its termination if all relevant Products are sold out.

Dear Customers, please pay attention to the dates of promotion events. Due to technicalities, the Product’s prices on the Website and in the Mobile App may be displayed with a discount for a short period after the end of the relevant promotion event. The actual price is displayed when you add the Product to your cart.

delivery and payment

1. How to make the Order?

  1. Choose the Products you need and indicate its quantity; then, click “Add to cart”.
  2. Go to the cart.
  3. If you have any promotional code, enter it in a special field and click “Checkout”.
  4. Indicate your contact details or those of the Receiver (the Receiver’s name, telephone number, email, and delivery address).
  5. Choose the delivery date.
  6. Indicate the delivery address.
  7. Choose a comfortable payment method.
  8. Click “Checkout”.
  9. After your Order is made, a message with your Order details, in particular the Order number, contents and value, will be sent to your email address and you will receive push-notification from the Mobile App with your Order number.
  10. You may always see the information about your Orders (current as well as completed) in “My Orders” section of your Personal account in the Mobile App and on the Website.
  11. If the value of your Order exceeds the maximum threshold (50 SKU), we recommend you to make several Orders.

How can I change the delivery date?

If you want to change the delivery date, please contact Customer Care at +97145569100 or in WhatsApp online chat +971527732032 and provide a dispatcher with your Order number, last name and first name.

How can I change the delivery address?

If you want to change the address for delivery by a courier, please contact Customer Care at +97145569100 or in WhatsApp online chat +971527732032 and provide a dispatcher with your Order number, last name and first name.

How can I change the receiver’s telephone number?

If you want to change the Receiver’s telephone number, please contact Customer Care at +97145569100 or in WhatsApp online chat +971527732032 and provide a dispatcher with your Order number, last name and first name.

2. Order Payment

Available methods of payment for the Order:

  • Online payment. The Points may be redeemed.
  • Cash on delivery. The Points cannot be redeemed.
  • Card on delivery (QR code). The Points cannot be redeemed.

Available methods of payment for the online Order delivered by express delivery:

  • Online payment. The Points may be redeemed.

Payment with a bank card:

All requests paid with bank cards must be authorized by the bank.

Please read about the bank card payment rules of the Seller:

  • Payment in the Online Store is effected right after the Order is made. Any purchase, dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with these Online Store shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the UAE.
  • After confirmation of the Order contents, personal data and delivery address, you have to enter your bank card details (card number, holder’s last name and first name, expiry date, and CVV/CVC code).
  • Online payment in AED (or any other agreed currency) goes through an authorized server of such payment systems as Visa, Mastercard. We accept credit/debit cards issued by any banks
  • All credit/debit cards details and personally identifiable information will not be stored, sold, shared, rented or leased to any third parties.
  • The Online Store never asks you to provide a PIN code of your bank card. Never disclose your bank card PIN code to third parties.
  • An electronic receipt for Orders paid by a cashless payment will be sent to your email address after the Order delivery. The electronic receipt contains all details of the payment transaction made.

Redeeming Points to pay for the Orders in the Online Store:

  • To pay for your Order with the Points, you have to be registered in the Online Store. The Points may be used only when using online payment, and not available to redeem in cash on delivery.
  • When making the Order, you may redeem any number of the Points available on your Rewards Card.
  • You may check how many Points you have in your Personal account in the Online Store.
  • The Points on the Rewards Card calculated as 1 point = 1 AED.

Refund for the Order in the Online Store paid with the Points:

  • The Points will be returned to the Rewards Card within 24 (twenty-four) hours from the date of approval of the refund application.
  • If the Order is fully refunded, all the Points will be returned to the Rewards Card.
  • If the Order is refunded partially, the Points will be returned to the Rewards Card proportionally to the value of refunded Products.

In case of erroneously made the Order:

  • The funds will be refunded to your bank account from which the payment was made within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of cancellation of the Order.
  • Please note that it depends on the issuing bank when the funds will be credited and may be up to 30 (thirty) calendar days.
  • The Points for such Order will be returned to the Rewards Card within 24 (twenty-four) hours from the date of cancellation of the Order.

3. Order Delivery

Express delivery

Methods of payment for the online Order delivered by express delivery: online payment.

We provide same-day delivery within 4 (four) hours after ordering. Express delivery is available in Dubai. Express delivery is free for all Orders, no minimum order amount is required.

The express delivery is available for the Orders made from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

The express delivery interval: between 11:00 AM and 10:00 PM.

Delivery by Transcorp courier service

Methods of payment for the online Order delivered by Transcorp courier service: online payment or cash on delivery.

We provide next-day delivery or later after ordering. Delivery by Transcorp courier service is available in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ajman, Ras Al Khaimah, Umm Al Quwain, Fujairah, and Al Ain. Delivery by Transcorp courier service is free on all Orders, no minimum order amount is required.

For delivery by Transcorp courier service the Customer will be offered several delivery time slots during the day of the Customer choice.

Communication with delivery service

A push notification from the Mobile App and an email with the contacts of a courier will be sent to you, when a courier gets the Order.

The courier may call you by phone, write a text message or contact you by WhatsApp.

Order Cancellation

You may cancel the Order through Customer Care until it is shipped from the warehouse. After the notification “transferred to delivery” you may cancel the Order, when the courier contacts you.


If you want to change the date of delivery, please contact Customer Care at +97145569100 or in WhatsApp online chat +971527732032 and provide a dispatcher with your Order number, last name and first name. Contact us from 9:00 am to 11:00 pm.

4. Receiving the Order

When you receive your Order, we recommend you to check the outer package integrity. Attention: Do not open an individual package of the Products.

If there is any inconsistency in the Products delivered and those ordered by you, please contact to Gold Apple Customer Care at +97145569100 or in WhatsApp online chat +971527732032.

If the Order is paid online upon checkout, such Order will be delivered to and transferred at the address indicated at the time of order. Pre-paid Orders will be given to a Receiver or a person designated by him or her using the Receiver’s identification system by sending the Receiver a PIN code to the telephone number or email address that were entered at the time of Order; you must provide such PIN code to the courier when receiving the Order.

If the Order Delivered Is Not Yours

In this case you have to make a return apply to the Gold Apple Customer Care by calling at +97145569100 or in WhatsApp online chat +971527732032.

5. Order Cancellation

You may cancel the Order until it gets the status “Completed” in your Personal account on the Website or in the mobile app.

How to Cancel the Order?

You may do it in the mobile app, on the website, or by contacting Gold Apple Customer Care through WhatsApp online chat +971527732032 or by calling at +97145569100

You will be granted a refund automatically within 14 days after receipt of a confirmation that the returned Products were delivered to a courier service. Please note that it depends on the issuing bank when the funds will be actually credited to your card and may be up to 30 days.

exchange and return policy

The exchange or return process can only be conducted for the Products purchased from the Online Store within the country where the purchase was made, and the original receipt must be presented.

The Products may be exchanged or returned only after they were delivered to and received by the Customer or the Receiver.

The Products of the Proper quality can be exchanged or returned within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of delivery of such Products to the Customer or the Receiver, subject to the following conditions:

  • For Gift-with-purchase promotions, the gift must also be returned along with the Products to qualify for an exchange and return. Returned gifts must also adhere to the present exchange and return policy.
  • Sale, promotion, reduced price and discounted Products are exchanged for the Products or returned at the price indicated on the receipt.
  • The Products eligible for exchange or return must be unused, unopened, and in their original packaging, identical to their condition when purchased from the Online Store to be able to be resold.

The Products of the Improper quality can be exchanged or returned for a new product within their entire expiration date.

The Personal product is not eligible for exchange or return.

The Products may be exchanged only with any other product(s) of the same value.

The Products may be exchanged or returned by: making a request through the Customer Care on WhatsApp online chat +971527732032 or by calling at +97145569100 or through the Personal account as follows:

1. Navigate to the "My Orders" section in your Personal account.

2. Select the relevant Order of the Products.

3. Click the "Submit for refund" button.

4. Choose the specific product (s).

5. Specify the reason to return.

6. Select the return method: exchange the Products or request a refund.

In the "Product Photos" section, you may attach photographs of the defect by clicking the "Attach Photo or Video" button.

You are required to provide a general photograph of the Products, a photograph of the barcode, and a photograph of the defect. The images must be clear and allow for the identification of the Products and verification of the defects described in the request.

Please provide the address from which the courier can collect the Products subject to return or exchange.

If you have selected to exchange for a new product (s) as compensation, please enter the delivery address.

Your refund request will appear in the "My Refunds" section of your Personal account. After submission, the request will be in "Created" status. Upon review, its status will change to "Approved" or "Denied."*

Upon approval of the request, the funds will be refunded within 14 (fourteen) calendar days from the date of approval of the refund request to your bank account from which the payment was made. Please note that it depends on the issuing bank when the funds will be credited and may be up to 30 (thirty) calendar days.

If you have chosen to exchange the Products, its status can be tracked in your Personal account.

In the event of denial, we will send an official response to your email.

*Review of the request may take from 3 (three) to 10 (ten) calendar days.

Please note the following:

  • If the Order for the Products was paid online, the funds will be refunded to the bank account from which the payment was made.
  • If the Order for the Products was paid with an electronic gift card, the funds will be credited to a new electronic gift card. The details of the new gift card will be sent to the email address specified in the Personal account from which the Order of the Products was made.
  • When returning Products paid for with the Points, the Points used to pay will be returned to the Rewards Card proportionally to the value of the returned Products compared to the total purchase amount. The refund period of the Points is 24 (twenty-four) hours from the date of approval of the refund request.

Privacy policy

Gold Apple respects your concerns about the protection of your privacy and your personal information.

This privacy policy and cookie policy describes how GOLD APPLE BOX COSMETIC TRADING L.L.C. (“Gold Apple,” “we,” “us,” and/or “our”) handle your personal information collected when you use our website accessible at, in its mobile-optimized version or its mobile application available via the "App store" and "Play store" services (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Website"), as well as when you make purchases through customer support channels, our retail locations, and in-person promotional activities (hereinafter referred to as the "Service(s)"). This privacy and cookie policy explains the types of personal information we collect and process, how we may use and share the information, and the choices that are available to you under applicable information protection laws with respect to our handling of your personal information.

Changes to our privacy and cookies policy

We may change this privacy and cookies policy from time to time. If we do so, we will post the updated policy on our Website and will indicate when the privacy and cookies policy was last revised. If we make any material changes, we will provide you with additional notice. You should periodically review our current privacy and cookies policy to stay informed of our personal information practices.

New privacy and cookies policy comes into force once it is published on our Website, if another case is not indicated in the new version. By using our website, you agree to take the responsibility for periodically reviewing our privacy and cookies policy and the changes in it.

Information We Collect

Information We Collect directly

We collect information that you choose to give us directly when visiting our Web-site and use our Services. This kind of information can contain but not limited to the following:

  • Contact information, as your name and email address;
  • Complimentary information, that you choose to provide additionally: your social networks handle, makeup and color preferences, age, gender;
  • Transactional information such as: orders you placed, items you purchased, date and time of order as well as orders you decided not to complete or items you placed in your cart and discarded, preferences you have indicated to us, requested personalization of items;
  • Any other information that you voluntarily provide, for example, review on our products, comments on the products you have tried, answers on questions, quizzes, polls or the communication with the client service.

We do not check the rightfulness of this personal information, that is provided by you. However, we consider that you provide us with the correct personal information. You take the responsibility for the rightfulness of the provided personal information.

Information we collect by automated means

When you visit our Website or use any of our Services, we collect certain information automatically. To collect this information, we may use cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies. A “cookie” is a text file that websites send to a visitor ‘s computer or other internet-connected device to uniquely identify the visitor’s browser or to store information or settings in the browser. A “web beacon,” also known as a pixel tag or clear GIF, is used to transmit information back to a web server.

The information we collect automatically may include:

  • URLs that refer visitors to our Website;
  • Search terms used to reach our Website;
  • Details about the devices that are used to access our Website (such as IP address, browser information, device information, and operating system information);
  • Details about your interaction with our Website (such as the date, time, length of stay, and specific pages accessed during your visits to our Website, referral activity, and which emails you may have opened);
  • Usage information (such as the number and frequency of visitors to our Website).

Third party advertise and analytic services

We take all the necessary measures to protect your personal information. To process your personal information, Gold Apple reserve the right to provide an access to the personal information to its responsible employees and third parties, those who signed an obligation to ensure the confidentiality and security of the information received on behalf of Gold Apple, where a list of actions (operations) with personal information that will be performed by the person processing personal information and the purpose of processing must be specified, the obligation of such person to maintain the confidentiality of personal information must be established and ensure the security of personal information during their processing.

In other cases, Gold Apple has the right to transfer your personal information to third parties in the following cases:

  • You have clearly expressed his consent to such actions;
  • The transfer is necessary as part of your use of the Website or the Services or to provide a service to you. At the same time, the confidentiality of personal information is ensured, and you will be explicitly notified of such a transfer.
  • The transfer is provided for by the UAE or other applicable law within the framework of the procedure established by law.

How we use your information

We may use the information we collect to deliver the products and services you request, to maintain and customize our interactions with you (such as on our digital properties), and to provide, maintain, and improve our services. We also use the information we collect to:

  • Communicate with you about our services, including to tell you about products and services that may be of interest to you;
  • Respond to your requests, inquiries, comments, and suggestions;
  • Facilitate your engagement with the services, including to enable you to post comments and reviews, to engage with other customers, and to post on social media;
  • Offer contests, sweepstakes, loyalty programs or other promotions;
  • Personalize your online experience and the advertisements you see when you use the Website, the Services or third-party platforms based on your preferences, interests, purchasing history and browsing behavior;
  • Monitor, audit and analyze trends, usage, and activities in connection with our Services;
  • Carry out short-term activities and other internal uses related to the products or services you purchase from us or your ongoing relationship with us;
  • Conduct internal research and development;
  • Detect, investigate, and respond to security incidents and protect against illegal or objectionable activities, including the unauthorized use of the Website and the Services, and protect the rights and property of Gold Apple;
  • Debug, identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality of our Website and Services;
  • Comply with our legal obligations;
  • Conduct or administer surveys and other market research.

Gold Apple cookie policy

Our privacy policy explains how we collect and use information from and about you when you visit our Website or use our Services. This cookie policy explains more about how we use cookies and your choices concerning cookies.

What are Cookies?

Like most websites, we use cookies and similar technologies to remember things about you so that we can provide you with a better experience.

Cookies are small data files stored on your browser or device. They may be served by the entity that operates the website you are visiting (“first-party cookies”) or by other companies (“third-party cookies”).

For example, we partner with third-party analytics providers, like Google, which set cookies when you visit our websites. This helps us understand how you are using our Services so that we can improve them.

  • Pixels are small images on a web page or in an email. Pixels collect information about your browser or device and can set cookies.
  • Local storage allows data to be stored locally on your browser or device and includes HTML5 local storage and browser cache.

How We Use Cookies

We use cookies for a number of reasons, like helping us see which features are most popular, counting visitors to a page, improving our users’ experience, keeping our services secure, and generally providing you with a better experience. The cookies we use generally fall into one of the following categories.

Category of cookies

Technical: These cookies are essential for our Website to function properly. Like the other cookies we use, technical cookies may be either first-party cookies to third-party cookies.

Preferences: We use these cookies to remember your settings and preferences. For example, we may use these cookies to remember your language preferences.

Security: We use these cookies to help identify and prevent security risks.

Performance: We use these cookies to collect information about how you interact with our Website and to help us improve them. For example, we may use these cookies to determine if you have interacted with a certain page.

Analytics: We use these cookies to help us understand and improve our Website. For example, we may use these cookies to learn more about which features are the most popular with our users and where we may need to make improvements.

Advertising: We and our advertising partners use these cookies to deliver advertisements, to make them more relevant and meaningful to visitors to our Website, and track the efficiency of our advertising campaigns, both on our Website and on other websites.

Restricting cookies

Most web browsers are set to accept cookies by default. You can usually choose to set your browser to remove or reject browser cookies. Please note that if you choose to remove or reject cookies, this could affect the availability and functionality of our Website.

Links to other websites and third-party content

We may provide links to third-party websites, services, plug-ins and applications, such as Facebook and Google, that are not operated or controlled by Gold Apple. This Privacy Policy does not apply to such third-party services, and we cannot take responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of third-party services. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any third-party websites and services before providing any information to or through them. The Website may offer social sharing features and other integrated tools (such as the Facebook “Like” or “Share” button) which let you share actions you take on our Website with other media. Your use of such features enables the sharing of information with your friends or the public, depending on the settings you establish with the entity that provides the social sharing feature. For more information about the purpose and scope of information collection and processing in connection with social sharing features, please visit the privacy policies of the entities that provide these features.

Information retention

Our retention periods for personal information are based on business needs and legal requirements. We retain personal information for as long as is necessary for the processing purpose(s) for which the information was collected. When we no longer need to use your personal information, it is removed from our systems and records.

Your Choices

You have a number of options to control or limit how we and our partners use cookies and similar technologies, including for advertising.

Although most browsers and devices accept cookies by default, their settings usually allow you to clear or decline cookies. If you disable cookies, however, some of the features of our services may not function properly.

To contact us

If you have any questions or complaints about this policy, you can contact Us in the following ways:

by email:

by phone: +97145569100

online security

An important point for GOLD APPLE BOX COSMETIC TRADING L.L.C. (“GOLD APPLE,” “We,” “Us,” and/or “Our”) is your security on the Internet. In the following points information about security issues that you may encounter while using online store “Gold Apple” ( or the Internet in general.

1. Keep your private information confidential.

Your private information may include: your last name and first name, date of birth, identity number, etc.

2. You should be cautious of people who ask for your private information.

3. You should be cautious about sharing your private information on messaging services, in chat rooms or in emails, even if they are sent from people, you know well.

4. It is highly recommended not to share any private or sensitive information to third parties.

Your sensitive information may include: your password, PIN or credit card number.

5. Update operating systems, anti-virus and firewall products with security patches or newer versions on a regular basis.

6. Clear your browser cache after online sessions.

7. Remember to log-off after online sessions.

8. Install anti-virus software.

9. To be secure during the use of online services it is recommended to have an up-to-date anti-virus and other anti-malware software installed on your mobile device, computer or other devices (hereinafter – “Devices”).

It will help you to protect your sensitive or private information even if you visit a fake website. Even if there is malicious software on your Devices, it will minimize its effects. It provides protection against the latest viruses through automatic updates. It protects against malware software that impersonates your identity by collecting sensitive or private information from your Devices, which can be used to access your accounts without your authorization.

10. Set and always use a security PIN code (to lock your Devices).

11. Adjusting your Devices’ settings so that it locks automatically if you don't use it for five or ten minutes.

12. Not storing passwords or other sensitive or private information on your Devices in a way that can be understood by someone else.

13. Be wary of voicemail and text message scams. Clicking on links in text messages can be risky - be careful when you attempt to click on links, and make sure that the source of the message and the visited site are authentic.

14. Attackers may also create fake mobile applications that look like the authentic legitimate ones so when you try to log on, they can steal your password and other sensitive information about you. Make sure that mobile applications are downloaded from trusted application stores and recognized publishing sources.

15. Only download and install applications from trusted application stores such as the App Store and Google Play.

16. If you lose your phone, report it to your mobile phone provider immediately.

Thank you for joining our effort to combat online fraud. GOLD APPLE goes to great lengths to protect our customers from fraud. If you suspect having received fraudulent emails, SMS or found a website or social media account that tries to pass off as GOLD APPLE, we encourage you to let us know at your earliest convenience, so that we can quickly take actions to stop the fraud.

Please report all suspicious activity to our Mailbox at following the below instructions.

We investigate every report of suspected fraud, not respond to personal inquiries.

Gift cards

Terms and Definitions

  • Rules: These rules developed by GOLD APPLE BOX COSMETIC TRADING L.L.C. for the sale of goods using Gift Cards.
  • Seller: GOLD APPLE BOX COSMETIC TRADING L.L.C., which sells goods at retail using Gift Cards, including online store (
  • Buyer: Any individual or legal entity who has agreed to these Rules.
  • Cardholder: The Buyer or a third party to whom the Gift Card was transferred or presented by the Buyer as a gift and who has the right to bear of the Gift Card.
  • Digital Gift Card: A digital gift certificate in the form of a link sent via SMS or WhatsApp message and/or a card image in a mobile app, containing a unique identification code that records the Seller’s obligations to the Buyer for transferring goods in accordance with these Rules.
  • Seller’s website:
  • Loyalty points: Points awarded to the Buyer for purchases of goods from the Seller according to the loyalty program approved by the Seller and posted on its website.
  • Fraudulent Transaction: a transaction performed using a card/token or bank services, declared by the payment system, the issuing bank, or the bank as fraudulent and/or disputed by the Cardholder and/or Buyer. Sufficient confirmation of the fraudulent nature of the transactions conducted using cards includes statements from issuing banks, confirmations from payment systems, statements from the Cardholders, or warnings from the Seller’s internal services responsible for information and economic security.

1. Rules for the Sale of Gift Cards and Sales of Goods Using Gift Cards

1.1 The Gift Card can be used to purchase goods or services. The Gift Card cannot be used at third-party retailers.

1.2 Acceptance of the Rules is signified by the purchase and payment of the Gift Card.

1.3 From the moment of acceptance of these Rules, the Seller becomes obligated to accept the Gift Card from the Buyer as payment for goods and services in accordance with the terms of this offer.

1.4 Purchasing or receiving the Gift Card indicates full familiarity with and acceptance of these Rules. If the Cardholder of the Gift Card disagrees with any part of these Rules, they should refrain from purchasing or receiving the Gift Card.

1.5 The Buyer of the Gift Card is responsible for informing the recipient of the Gift Card about these Rules.

1.6 The Seller offers Gift Cards of various denominations. These denominations may be changed or supplemented by the Seller unilaterally by posting information on the Seller's website.

1.7 If purchasing a Gift Card as a gift for another person, the Buyer guarantees that they have obtained the recipient’s consent for processing personal data and transferring it to the Seller.

1.8 The purchase of the Gift Card is verified by sending the Gift Card to the contact information provided by the Buyer. The Gift Card can be delivered to the recipient via SMS, WhatsApp message, email, or Push message in the Gold Apple app, according to the contact details linked to the Gift Card.

1.9 If the Seller detects signs of a Fraudulent Transaction, they have the right to block the Gift Card until the situation is clarified or cancel the Gift Card and return the funds to the Buyer’s account.

1.10 The Gift Card is valid for 24 months from the date of purchase. After the expiry date, any remaining balance will be forfeited, and the Gift Card will no longer be valid.

1.11 Loyalty points cannot be accumulated or redeemed when purchasing the Gift Card.

1.12 The Gift Card is not reloadable. The balance is credited once—at the time of purchase.

1.13 The Buyer may transfer the Gift Card to any individual or legal entity without restriction. Upon transfer, these individuals or entities become the Cardholder.

1.14 The Seller agrees to sell goods to the Buyer/Cardholder, from the available assortment in the Seller’s online store, upon presentation of the Gift Card, in the country where the Gift Card was purchased.

1.15 The Buyer/Cardholder also has the right to purchase goods from the Seller’s available assortment upon presentation of the Gift Card, in the country where the Gift Card was purchased.

1.16 The Gift Card cannot be used to purchase other Gift Cards, as it is not considered a good. The Gift Card cannot be exchanged for other Gift Cards of different denominations.

1.17 The Buyer/Cardholder may use the Gift Card repeatedly until the balance is fully utilized.

1.18 If the total purchase exceeds the balance on the Gift Card, the remaining amount can be paid using other accepted forms of payment. Any remaining balance can be used for future purchases within the validity period.

1.19 The amount paid at the time of purchasing the Gift Card will be equivalent to the amount that can be redeemed. When purchasing the Digital Gift Card, the Buyer can choose a type of greeting to be attached to the Digital Gift Card. The Seller determines the available types of greetings.

1.19.1 If a text greeting is available, the Buyer can write a text message. If a video greeting is available, the Buyer can record or upload a video, which will be sent along with the Digital Gift Card.

1.19.2 The Buyer is prohibited from including any content in the greeting that:

  • Contains threats, incitement to violence, or discredits others.
  • Violates the rights of minors.
  • Is vulgar, obscene, or contains inappropriate content involving minors.
  • Includes scenes of animal cruelty.
  • Describes or incites suicide.
  • Promotes hatred, enmity, or criminal activity.
  • Contains restricted or confidential information.
  • Advertises or promotes illegal activities.
  • Violates the rights and interests of others.

1.19.3 The Buyer is responsible for any content transmitted with the greeting when purchasing the Digital Gift Card.

1.20 The Seller does not moderate greetings generated by Buyers for prohibited content and is not responsible for any violations.

1.21 The greeting is attached to the Digital Gift Card, and only the Cardholder can view it after the Digital Gift Card is purchased.

1.22 Gift Card’s balance can be checked from the Seller. The Gift Card number will be required to access balance information.

2. Conditions for Returning Gift Cards

2.1 The Gift Cards are non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash or other Gift Cards. It is non-transferable and can only be redeemed by the Cardholder.

2.2 In case of loss or theft, the Gift Card cannot be replaced or restored. The Gift Card is a bearer document, and the Seller will not be liable for any loss resulting from unauthorized use.

3. Final Provisions

3.1 The Rules come into effect from the moment they are posted on the Seller’s website and remain valid until withdrawn by the Seller.

3.2 The Seller reserves the right to amend these Rules without prior notice. Any changes will be posted on Seller’s website. The Buyer agrees and acknowledges that changes to these Rules will apply to the relationship between the Seller and the Buyer, and such changes will take effect simultaneously with the updated Rules.

3.3 The Gift Card and these Rules are governed by the laws of the UAE. Any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the UAE.

3.4 For inquiries or assistance regarding your Gift Card, please contact us at:
GOLD APPLE BOX COSMETIC TRADING L.L.C. Commercial Registration No. 1085669
Customer Care phone number: +97145569100
Customer Care WhatsApp online chat: +971527732032.